Our Rebels of The Month have been an exciting group of individuals. They have been highly influential in their respective fields and unbelievably successful entrepreneurs in their own rights. This month we focused on 5 individuals, namely, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Neil Patel, Larry Kim and Alexandria Procter. Let’s dig into their minds and discuss why they are our rebels this month.
First up, Seth Godin, probably one of the greatest marketers of our time. He has taken the world of innovative marketing by storm. He continues to grow in success by offering his advice on strategic marketing and creative thought. He stands out to us as a person that embodies our understanding of making a change in your industry while growing your business no matter what form it may be in. He is a rebel in our eyes because he is constantly spreading new ideas and interacting with the world around himself in order to find what is the next big thing. He continues to preach that companies need to rethink how they reach customers. We find that his approach to innovative thought and compelling notion to think outside of the box truly make him a rebel. Check out more about Godin and what he does.
From humble beginnings to unmeasurable success and influence, Gary Vaynerchuk is arguably one of the biggest game-changers within the marketing and online world. He and his team manage to keep us up to date with all things digital. Do yourself a favour and start to follow any online channel of his if you aren’t already. He has managed to grow a business that aims to expand creative thought within any organization. We believe he is a rebel because of the way in which he strives to think outside of the realms of common thought. He continues to share his knowledge of the digital world and we couldn’t recommend signing up to his newsletter any more, check out his website for more information of what he gets up to.
Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar and KISSmetrics. His entrepreneurial talents lie deep within his understanding of SEO and Facebook Ads. He truly stands out to us as someone who advises those on the correct steps to take when growing your business. He also helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, HP and Viacom grow their revenue. His knowledge and insight into these fields allows entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. We believe rebels should share their knowledge, as Patel does, and assist those wanting to grow their own skills. He is a rebel in his own right, just check out A day in the life of Neil Patel to give you an idea of the work ethic that he uses to grow himself and his businesses.
With companies such as WordStream and MobileMonkey attributed to his name, Larry Kim has managed to strategically climb his way into the world of marketing by providing useful tools that improve overall UX online. With the online world ever-developing and changing we expect to see this entrepreneur grow with it. We have picked him to be one of our rebels because he truly shows that hard work and dedication really do pay off. He is motivated by wanting to expand and grow through proficiency and skill. Take a look at MobileMonkey for an insight into one of his leading businesses.
For our final rebel, it’s all about finding a gap in the market and understanding your customer. As a young entrepreneur and business owner, Alexandria Procter is certainly a trailblazer in the world of interconnectivity within South Africa. “Technical knowledge can be learnt, and capital can be raised, but without resilience, determination and a can-do attitude, a start-up won’t get anywhere” says Procter. She truly has earned her spot on our list of rebels because she managed to take advantage of that gap and run with it even when times seemed tough and everything was against her. Haven’t heard of DigsConnect? Be sure to check out the awesome work she and her team have managed to accomplish in a short space of time.
We are excited to have the opportunity to showcase these rebels as we feel that they truly embody the idea of being a rebel in this industry. They are taking leaps and bounds to shift ideas and provide new perspectives of the ever-progressing industry that marketing is. Let us know your thoughts on our rebels this month. We would be excited to hear your opinion on the success that they have all achieved.